Saturday, August 7, 2010

My Life As I Know It

Life as I know it consists of working at the local In-N-Out Burger (which is the best job I could ever ask for at this point in my life), doing Drama President duties, memorizing songs and monolauges and scenes, playing with the ultimate group of best friends, going to ska shows, oh! and driving a Toyota Yaris! My life is pretty average for a senior in high school, well at least that is what I have convinced myself to be average. I have never done a blog before but I am really enjoying telling random people who I am and I what I do. Any who that's my story for today I have to go to work!

1 comment:

  1. I'm your first follower AND your first commenter. Don't I feel special. I love you, and your blog, and I can't wait to read future posts. Welcome to the blogging world love! :)
